Friday, May 17, 2013

Mother's Day & Alan's birthday combo

I really hated that Alan's birthday fell on Mother's Day.
And, I really hated that Mother's Day fell on Alan's birthday.
You get me?

Oh well. It will happen every so often.
But, we both shared a great day and thankful for so many reasons.
Here are just a few pictures to recap the double holiday!
(Most of these are my instagram pics, but I just want to document too)

Lunch on Saturday at PF Changs with Nonnie
(and Ridge in desperate need of a haircut)

Little stinker came in and stole some of my breakfast in bed Mother's Day morning.
It's ok honey. I'm happy to share with you!

Big helper bringing Momma more bacon and napkins.

Silly snuggle time in bed before church.

Birthday cake time after lunch! The big 34!

The best we could do. Wish it was closer up. But, hey, you get what you can.

Mother's Day 2013 to me & Happy 34th Birthday Alan!
Love you honey!

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